- 育儿
- 2023-01-24
- 470
其次,家长要向孩子传递正能量:对他们有耐心、引导、理解和帮助; 放低姿态去处理问题; 尊重孩子独立思考的权利; 适当地进行情感教诲, 认真回复他们所打出的“友好牌”, 维护好孩子内心平衡。
再者, 家庭生活中要注意教育方式: 不是用大声吵闹或斥责来呵斥胡作非为 , 而是采用因材施教“选择性不易”(Selective Inattention) 的方式, 对正确表现大加表扬. 常用相对化的语气(such as "I like it when you..." instead of "Don't do that") 代 替命令式 (Imperative) 的语气.
最后, 有时也要留有一部分时间去相处, 多问一句 “你还好吗? ” 问一句 “你想干什么? ” ; 努力地将日常生活中浓浓的亲情书写如天上星星般地散布到生命之中.
As parents, it is our duty to help children grow up healthily and happily. But how should we maintain a healthy relationship with them so as to make them feel secure?
First of all, it's important that parents have a good understanding of their children. We need to know their hobbies, preferences and personalities in order to better communicate with them. It’s also essential for us to listen patiently when our children talk about something they are passionate about or struggling with.
Second, building trust between parents and kids is the key point in creating a positive family atmosphere. Showing concern can strengthen the bond between parent and child; this includes asking questions such as: “What do you think?” or “What would you like to do today?” Doing so allows kids an opportunity for self-expression which makes them more confident—it will also create mutual respect between adults and children. This helps build a foundation of trust in parenting relationships that lasts well into adulthood.
Last but not least, having fun together is paramount for maintaining a strong connection between adults and kids alike! Find time during weekends or holidays when everyone can enjoy some quality time together playing sports or board games — no matter what activity you choose just remember it should be enjoyable for both sides! The goal here isn't perfection - simply spending quality time together allows parents relax from parental duties while allowing kids development social skills by interacting with others around them; at the same time giving chances for parent-child bonding opportunities that last beyond childhood years!
二、 如何创造和谐的家庭气氛
1. 重视孩子 关注孩子是很重要。如果家长始终无动于衷,就会使孩子显得不受重视或者无所适从。因此: 请多陪伴孩子, 沟通, 理解, 支撑; 虽然没有大人般理性, 但也要树立正常道德; 多问一问"怎么样?", "你还好吗?";"你想要....?"来表明你对TA关心; 尊重TA独立思考能力, 答对就OK!(例如: “为什么?”); 高兴又说:"好!"
2. 努力平衡 有效地将工作/生命上各方面找到平衡是很重要的。